Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Full Moon is Rising

A Full Moon is Rising written by Marilyn Singer and illustrated by Julia Cairns is a multicultural children's book of poems that was published in 2011 by Lee & Low Books. The author takes a journey around the world looking at children from different countries who are all viewing the same full moon. This book shows the different ways children around the world celebrate the full moon. A Full Moon is Rising provides multiple diverse poems through the eyes of children in countries such as Australia, China, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, Turkey, South Africa and Mali. This book explains how different cultures celebrate the full moon through vibrant illustrations and delightful poetry. This book explores children's cultural and ethnic differences around the world but also teaches children that although we are all very different, we are one in the same, as we all view the same full moon.

This book takes you on an exciting journey exploring children and their cultural practices around the world! The illustrations bring the poems to life and give each character a story. A Full Moon is Rising is a book of poems that teachers will enjoy reading to students when teaching the top of diversity. Students will love the brilliant illustrations and seeing how children around the world celebrate the full moon through different beliefs and customs. This book of poems is a must read!

After sharing this book with students, allow them to reflect on what they have learned by provoking discussion questions such as:

  1. What different celebrations stuck out to you in this book of poems? Which country's poem did you enjoy the most and why?
  2. What similarities did you find between every countries celebrations for the full moon rising?
  3. What did you notice about the illustrations from each poem? Did the children and their celebrations look similar or different to you?
  4. How do you celebrate events such as the full moon rising? Did you see any celebrations in any of the poems that look similar to the way you celebrate any events?
  5. What do you think the main point of this book of poems was? What did you take with you after reading this book?

A fun, motivational activity for students:
  • Ask students to sit in a circle on the floor. Students will pass around a ball from student to student. As each student gets a turn with the ball they will tell the class one celebration tradition their family takes part in for any special occasions or holidays. Ask the children to raise their hands if they take part in the same celebrations. This will allow children and teachers alike to see the differences through out different children's unique cultures.
If you enjoyed this book of poems written by Marilyn Singer you may also enjoy some of her other children's books. A few examples for you are:
  • Tallulah's Tutu
  • Neighborhood Animals
  • Monster Museum
  • The Boy Who Cried Alien
  • What Is Your Dog Doing?
  • I'm Your Bus

Singer, M., & Cairns, J. (2011). A full moon is rising. New York, NY: Lee & Low Books.

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