Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Giver

The Giver is a science fiction novel written by Lois Lowry and published in 1993. The Giver is a powerful book intended for ages 8-12 years old. This book follows a 12 year old boy named Jonas who in visions the community he lives in as perfect. In the community Jonas lives in there is no pain, it has been eliminated. Everything in his community is assigned, you are assigned a job and role in life, without a choice. At 12 years old, Jonas is chosen to receive special training from "The Giver" which means he was chosen to take on the role of the person in his community that keeps all past memories from before pain was eliminated within the community. The role of "The Giver" functions to make a decision someone else can not, due to lack of experience. During his training Jonas learns the harsh truth about the dystopian community he lives in and struggles with this. "The Giver" helps Jonas formulate a plot to escape and leaves him with memories of encouragement, hope and strength to carry on through his journey, but through his journey, Jonas encounters things he would never expect.

This book leaves readers wondering what is going to happen next, and has a very interesting ending that will leave the reader wanting more! The ending of this book is one you will want to read for yourself! The Giver has valuable life lessons through the entire book. If you pick up this book, you will not be disappointed, it is one you won't want to put down! This book is intended for intermediate readers, but in my opinion, it is enjoyable for adults also! This is a book everyone needs to experience at some point in their lives.

Discussion questions for students to recall:

  1. What did you think about Jonas? Do you think it would be difficult to take on the role Jonas had to?
  2. Would you enjoy living in a community where your life decisions were planned and set out for you? Why or Why not?
  3. Why do you think it's so important for Jonas' community to incorporate "sameness"?
  4. What do you think of all the rules in place within Jonas' communty? Do you think these rules are good or bad things for the community? Why?
  5. What would you do if you were being watched all the time, like Jonas and the people in his community are?
  6. What did you think about the people in Jonas' community not having their own birthdays? How would you feel if you didn't get to have your own special day?

A fun, motivational activity for students after completing the book!
Make your own ending!
  • Because the ending of The Giver left many people wondering, allow students to take time after reading this book to create their own ending of the book! Allow students to use their imagination and come up with an alternative ending! After this is complete, allow students to share their alternative ending with classmates!
If you enjoyed The Giver, author Lois Lowry has other books for all ages that you may also enjoy. Check them out!
  • Gathering Blue
  • A Summer to Die
  • Gooney Bird Green
  • Anastasia Krupnik
  • All About Sam
  • Autumn Street

There is even a movie inspired by Lois Lowry's book The Giver! Here's a sneak peak preview:

  • Lowry, L. (1993). The giver. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

1 comment:

  1. The Giver, Jonas, has many gifts in his community. Students can make a poster recalling his gifts and thanking him for his many talents in his community. This would be a great book and activity for the month of November leading up to Thanksgiving. The activity could remind the students of all the things in their live that they should be thankful for, excluding the materialistic aspects in their lives.
